Thank you for participating in this important survey, which was conducted by Private Company Director, Family Business Magazine and Compensation Advisory Partners.
In this 5th year of the study, more than 1,500 respondents responded to the survey — an increase of about 300 participants from the prior full version of the survey in 2022. To be usable, a response needed to be at least 75% complete, non-duplicated by other respondents, and contain data in the proper formats.
As a benefit of completing the survey with usable data, you are receiving access to a complete report of the results, in pdf format. The first 12 pages of this report contain general data that will be published in various forms for the use of all private company owners, shareholders and board members.
From page 13 onward, you will see data only available to survey respondents. There are a number of dashboards which cut the data in a variety of ways:
- Company ownership
- Corporation type
- Primary industry
- Company headquarters
- Number of shareholders
- Company revenues
- Company assets
- Number of employees
- Board demographics
- Board roles and commitments
- Board compensation
- Compensation data
- By board type
- By ownership
- By revenue
- By industry
Deeper Data Cuts
We are offering all participants in the survey the opportunity to request and use custom data cuts for a small fee to help defray the cost of the analyst’s time and the cost of running the report. If you would like to request a special look at the data, the cost is $250. Data may be organized by revenues, corporate status, ownership type, board type, industry, location or number of employees. It is possible to look at, for example, family-owned companies with 201-500 employees and revenues of $51-$100 million who have advisory boards. Please contact David Shaw at dshaw@directorsandboards.com to discuss your desired data report.
Use of this Data
Because this survey was developed on a “you give and you get” model, with confidentiality of individual responses guaranteed by MLR Media, we want to ensure that this report is only available to those who successfully provided data.
In order for you to download this report, you will need to agree to the following:
- The aggregate data and analysis is the property of MLR Media (publishers of Private Company Director and Family Business Magazine) and Compensation Advisory Partners, and is copyrighted.
- This report, and its data and analysis, are for the personal use of the respondent, and may only be shared with owners, shareholders, board members, corporate secretaries and general counsel of the companies represented in the data.
- This data may not be shared with any others, and may not be published online or in print, in part, in whole or in summary form, without the express permission of MLR Media.
If you agree to these terms, check the box below, enter your email and click the button below to proceed to your report download.
If you don’t agree to these terms, or have questions about them, please contact David Shaw at dshaw@directorsandboards.com.