
Leveraging Your Board’s Contacts and Influence

Know board resources and ask the right questions. When new directors join a board, they come equipped with tremendous experience, copious contacts and a history...

The Qualities of a Resilient Board: Considerations for the “next normal.”

After an arduous 2020, many boards have been able to turn their focus from crisis management to recovery. Governance questions now involve worker safety;...

Redefining Private Company Board Service

A 15-month shakeup changed the rules of engagement. There is no doubt that directors had to be deeply engaged and ready to pivot in...

The Board/CEO Relationship: Clear communication and transitions are board responsibilities.

For publicly traded companies, the board’s primary responsibility is often defined as the hiring and firing of the CEO. In privately held companies, the...

A New Perspective in the Boardroom: Women board chairs bring diversity of thought to the table.

Meghan Juday was appointed chairman of IDEAL Industries in February 2020. A few months before, the company had welcomed a new non-family CEO. A...