Private Company Director‘s Directors to Watch 2024 highlights 24 significant and diverse directors who have contributed to and will continue to expand ongoing dialogue on board best practices and corporate governance excellence.

Emily Landis Walker
Emily Landis Walker, a citizen of both the United States and the United Kingdom, is globally recognized with extensive executive and board experience across private and public sectors. She served as United States representative on the boards of International Monetary Fund and The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
After working in the United Kingdom, the United States, Italy, Kuwait, Iraq and Singapore, she was invited by Sir Richard Kleinwort to join the board of ERIBI, a U.K.-based private company focused on the Middle East. As managing director of Citigroup, she led the corporate and investment bank merger between Citi and Travelers, demonstrating understanding of financial services regulation, corporate strategy/governance, management performance evaluation and cross-border risk.
Walker’s appointment to the 9/11 Commission led her to develop national standards for emergency preparedness for the private sector.
Management must report business continuity plans: “Business continuity planning is a cost of doing business. That this is not a sexy topic, is a cost to the company and is not well understood by most executives or board members can be a fatal flaw. Management must report in detail to the board on its planning of business continuity. Anything that can stop operations needs a plan that can be practiced. There are national and international standards for business continuity that have been tested and can provide the background required. Directors should be familiar with these standards and should understand the process for effective business continuity planning.”