Private Company Director‘s Directors to Watch 2024 highlights 24 significant and diverse directors who have contributed to and will continue to expand ongoing dialogue on board best practices and corporate governance excellence.

Sam Judd
HEI Civil
Sam Judd’s growth mindset in the boardroom combines deep financial acumen, strategic insight, operational breadth and governance experience from a career with best-in-class companies. His experience spans leading public and founder-led companies, such as PepsiCo, Paramount (formerly Viacom/CBS), Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. and Bridgewater Associates LP, along with private and family-owned companies across several industries.
Judd has helped launch three new fiduciary boards at private companies and family enterprises. He currently serves as an independent director and board and audit chair of HEI Civil, a leading heavy-construction business; audit chair of Times-Shamrock Communications, a diversified media company; and family office finance chair of a several-billion-dollar, multigenerational family enterprise.
He has led boards in financial oversight, liquidity planning, strategic growth planning, CEO succession and coaching, executive compensation, enterprise risk management and talent development.
Embrace the family culture to provide relevant guidance: “Family businesses contribute over half of private-sector gross domestic product. Family businesses depend on astute and collaborative boards to bring strategic insight, best practices, management tools and governance passion to help enterprises navigate business and family challenges. The often-quoted concept ‘noses in, fingers out’ can fall short of what management teams desire and need in a family business context. Rate of change, legacy, family engagement and liquidity options are particularly important to family businesses. Directors wear many hats in these situations — fiduciary, consultant, coach, teammate, counselor and more. Boards and independent directors must truly embrace family culture, vision and relationships for success.”