Directors to Watch 2024: Christy Soukhamneut

Private Company Director‘s Directors to Watch 2024 highlights 24 significant and diverse directors who have contributed to and will continue to expand ongoing dialogue on board best practices and corporate governance excellence.

Christy Soukhamneut

Voxtur Analytics Corp., Trained, Halcyon

Christy Soukhamneut has more than 25 years of experience in the mortgage industry and is an accomplished senior executive who has implemented change management strategies for multiple mortgage-related entities. She currently serves as the chief lending officer of Austin-based UFCU.

Prior to her time at UFCU, she led top-performing sales teams for a mid-sized information management branch. She sits on the boards of Voxtur Analytics Corp., Trained and Halcyon. She also serves on a wide variety of committees and industry boards as well as being a partner with Blue Wolf Coaching and contributing as a subject matter expert for Strategic Mortgage Finance Group LLC. 

Soukhamneut holds a master of business administration and is a certified mortgage banker and certified mortgage planning specialist. 

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Creating allyship: “Corporate board governance plays a pivotal role in supporting and guiding CEOs, establishing a dynamic alliance that greatly benefits both executive leadership and the organization. Through strategic guidance and oversight, boards contribute significantly to effective decision-making and long-term planning. Acting as a collaborative force, they bring valuable insights, diverse perspectives and expertise to the table. This allyship ensures a balanced approach to risk management, thereby enhancing the CEO’s adept navigation of challenges. In essence, a well-functioning corporate board emerges as a steadfast ally, empowering CEOs to lead with confidence and achieve sustainable organizational success.”

About the Author(s)

Scott Chase

Scott Chase manages the nomination and selection process for Directors to Watch.

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